INNO-ECC® is an in-house development of MIAM® - Magdeburger Industriearmatur-Manufaktur GmbH.
The metal seated butterfly valve distinguishes itself from other manufacturers by its unique seat design. A conical, 100% round, knife edge seat results in absolute bubble tight shut-off.
- 90° valve
- conical seat due to patented turning motion
- Knife edge seat (bubble tight)
- Integral Seats (body and disc)
General Information:
- 3“ – 24“ Class 150 – 2500 (DN80-DN600, PN10-PN420)
- Materials: carbon steel (incl. low and high temperature steels), stainless steel, duplex, high alloy steels (Hastelloy, Alloy 20, Monel etc.)
- Hardfaced seats (13% Cr, Stellite, Hastelloy, Monel etc.)
- Integral conical seat – tight shut off / easy maintenance
- Long life cycle
- High performance
- Disc design with plug type seat without seperate seating rings
- Friction free design
- Standard ISO flange for actuators
- Applications: Energy, Refinery, Petrochemical, Seawater, LNG, LPG, Mining, Cryogenic, Noble Gases, Paper/Cellulose, Tank Farms, Heating, etc.